
Personal budget on excel
Personal budget on excel

personal budget on excel

This chart also helps in calculation of month over month variance analysis Variance Analysis Variance analysis is the process of identifying and analyzing the difference between the standard numbers that a company expects to accomplish and the actual numbers that they achieve, in order to help the firm analyze positive or negative consequences. For example, in the month of July, the person can say that my monthly expenditure is close to $5.7K, and next time if he/she definitely wants to meet the savings target, they might have to adjust or cut down on some of the expenses. This data can be utilized to calculate the monthly expenses by taking an average. It shows that in those two months, the person has less income from business and that why he fell short of savings. If we see the April and May months data, the target saving is short by $73 & $51, respectively. This template helps in tracking monthly expenses and also shows the months where the target savings were not met. In this case, the person earns an average of $8,892 per month, had a target savings of $3,000, and an average monthly expense is $5,681. They can also change the range to see the average of any period they want to see and analyze. Any person using this personal budget spreadsheet template has to, only, enter the expense and income amount and adjust the formulas given in the excel template, and it will show the total and average of the income and expenses. Now, if we look at the chart, it shows the monthly expenses from Jan to June, the excel template attached here shows January to December, but for convenience, the table in word shows from January to June for six months. The chart is not exclusive, but a person can always make changes and include the multiple heads of expenses that they incur. © Copyright Nifty Planner Design.In the above example, we see the receipts from salary and business and various types of expenses. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message through Etsy. * FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY- files may not be shared, re-sold, or used commercially. * Due to the nature of the product, there are no refunds, exchanges, or cancellations. * After your purchase is completed, you will get the file for excel of the annual budget template.

personal budget on excel

* This annual budget spreadsheet is only compatible for Excel. * For more detailed information on how to download a digital file on Etsy, click here: * You can also find your download under "Purchases and Reviews" on your Etsy account.

personal budget on excel

* You will receive an email with a link to download your file. * Downloads are available once your payment is confirmed. HOW TO DOWNLOAD THE ANNUAL BUDGET SPREADSHEET: **If you need a different currency, send me a message on Etsy! ✓ DEBT SNOWBALL CALCULATOR tab: Know the exact date you can become debt-free, based on your financial figures! It updates automatically with every monthly budget tab! ✓ SINKING FUNDS TRACKER tab: Aesthetic design for easy tracking of your savings or sinking funds. ✓ ANNUAL SUMMARY tab: Have all your total numbers in one place! Analyze your total income, expenses, savings, and debt repayment for the whole year. ✓ ANNUAL DASHBOARD tab: This will help you analyze your finances during the year. ✓ BUDGET CALENDAR tab: Interactive calendar that updates with month and year! This will help you keep track of your expenses and stay on top of bills! Use the expense tracker section to record your variable expenses (groceries, entertainment, dining out, fuel, etc.) you incurred during the month. ✓ EXPENSE TRACKER: Each monthly budget tab contains an expense tracker. Also a helpful summary section for a quick review of your budget. ✓ 12 MONTHLY BUDGET tabs: Easy-to-use Monthly Budget dashboard including an easy way to track your bills (check off column included!), variable expenses, savings, and debts. ✓ INSTRUCTIONS tab: Easy-to-follow instructions and pictures on how to use your Annual Budget template including an easy setup for your budget categories savings or sinking funds tracker and debt snowball calculator. This Annual Budget Spreadsheet for Excel includes: ⭐️ If you don’t have Excel, use the Google Sheets version of this template found here: Whether you are a beginner or an experienced budgeter, this annual budget spreadsheet will bring your budgeting to the next level!Įasy to Use! you only need Excel on your computer to start using this excel budget template.

personal budget on excel

The Annual Budget Excel spreadsheet contains all you need and it will make budgeting easy. With this Annual Budget Excel version, you will be able to keep track of your finances, including income, bills, variable expenses, savings, and debts. Organize your finances for the entire year with this easy-to-use Excel annual budget template !

Personal budget on excel